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Ak Welsapar

Swedish-Turkmen writer and journalist. Author writes in Turkmen, Russian and Swedish. He is the author of more than 20 books which are come out in many languages.



Kobra utspelar sig i en historisk brytpunkt. Som i fabeln antar kobran mänsklig gestalt och bosätter sig i människornas värld för att finna orsaken till deras katastrof.


The Tale of Aypi

The Tale of Aypi follows the fate of a group of Turkmen fishermen dwelling on the coast of the Caspian Sea. The fear of losing their ancestral home looms over the entire village. 


Death of the Snake Catcher

This book features people from one of the most closed countries of today's world, where the passage of time resembles the passage of a caravan through the waterless desert.


The Revenge of the Foxes

Moscow, during the collapse of the Soviet system: In a hospital, young people awaiting heart operations and possible death, live just for today with mischief-making and even love affairs.

Published works



Author writes books in 3 languages. Turkmen, Russian and Swedish.



Author's books are translated in English, French, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian. Indonesian etc.



More than thousand articles are published so far.



More then fifty interviews are made by various journalists


"Welsapar har tecknat konturerna av en inverterad Gud – allsmäktig men utan ambitionen att ge människor tröst och mening. Nyckfullt och slumpartat som livet självt härskar Herr kamrat president i ett rike där människans skuld ter sig lika oklar som i en roman av Kafka."

Johanna Lindbladh
Senior Lecturer, Lunds University / Sweden

"In 1993, after twelve months under house arrest, the writer fled the country - followed by his family in 1994 - and made his home in Sweden, where Welsapar lives to this day. The move granted the author the space to write without persecution and, in time, the opportunity to reach an international audience far beyond the scope of what he could ever have achieved in his home country. His work has been published in several languages, including Swedish, Russian and English, and he has received a grant from Human Rights Watch, as well Ukrainian and Russian literary prizes."

Ann Morgan
UK-Based author, TED Speaker.

"För den som är insatt i Centralasiens politik är symboliken i ”Kobra” tydlig, för den som inte är det är boken ändå en njutbar allegorisk roman. Den kan påminna om Bulgakovs ”Mästaren och Margarita”, den är rolig, full av fantasi och folkliga skrönor med satirisk udd."

Kerstin Johansson
PhD in Chinese with Literature focus. Freelance writer

"The Tale of Aypi” has an almost Shakespearean sense of tragedy. We witness two immovable forces crashing against each other with a brutal inevitability. Welsapar shows us fates colliding and great clashes between village and city, tradition and modernity, old and young. He handles these classic conflicts with deftness and originality. The themes of “The Tale of Aypi” are universal but the world it describes is highly specific."

William Armstrong
UK-based writer and editor





Stockholm, Sweden