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Detta mörker är ljusare. (New)

Detta mörker är ljusare är en roman om en enskild människas kamp mot en totalitär regim. Huvudpersonen Aman-Sahad är föräldralös och utnyttjas av en girig släkting under uppväxten. I vuxen ålder fortsätter han att utnyttjas, men nu av landets regim som dag och natt övervakar och kontrollerar inte bara hans utan alla medborgares liv. Aman-Sahad kämpar för sitt mänskliga värde och sin heder, för sin frihet. Detta stör makten. Men det stör även människor i hans omedelbara närhet och han isoleras steg för steg. Till sist blir han tvungen att lämna sitt älskade yrke som journalist i huvudstaden och flytta ut till öknen där han försörjer sig som fåraherde. Men tro inte att makten och dess hantlangare släpper greppet om honom för det.


Kobra - (Turkish) 

An imaginary Central Asian country. On the one hand, the unquestionable commitment of the people to the President, Comrade and the state, on the other hand, is the life struggle of all living things in the changing political balances.

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Kobra utspelar sig i en historisk brytpunkt. Som i fabeln antar kobran mänsklig gestalt och bosätter sig i människornas värld för att finna orsaken till deras katastrof.
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The Tale of Aypi

The Tale of Aypi follows the fate of a group of Turkmen fishermen dwelling on the coast of the Caspian Sea. The fear of losing their ancestral home looms over the entire village. 
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Death of the Snake Catcher

This book features people from one of the most closed countries of today's world, where the passage of time resembles the passage of a caravan through the waterless desert.
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The Revenge of the Foxes

Moscow, during the collapse of the Soviet system: In a hospital, young people awaiting heart operations and possible death, live just for today with mischief-making and even love affairs.
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Ak Welsapar was awarded a prize in a national literary competition for his novel The Melon Head in 1984. After being persecuted in his homeland for fighting for freedom of speech, in1993, the writer was adopted as an honorary member of the International PEN Club, and in 1994 he was awarded Human Rights Watch's award for his literature work. Ak Welsapar was awarded a prize from the Moscow Organisation of the Russian Writers’ Union "Golden Autumn" named after Sergey Yesenin for his book of poetry entitled The Pain of Eternal Uncertainties (2012). He was also awarded the Ukrainian literary prize “Triumf” named after Nikolay Gogol for his novel The Emerald Shore (2014) and some other work in Ukrainian. He was also rewarded for his book The Legend of Aypi with Swedish Culture Prize in 2016. 

Published books in different languages

The Melon Head

Novel in Turkmen

A Long Journey to Nearby

Novel in Turkmen (1988)

This Darkness Is Brighter

Novel in Turkmen (1990)

The Bent Sword Hanging on the Old Carpet

Novel in Turkmen (1991)


The Revenge of the Foxes

Novel in Ukrainian


Mulli Tahir

Novel in Turkmen (1996)

The Salty Twilight

Short Stories in Turkmen (2000)


Longing for Another Sky

Poetry (2005)

If I Only Were a White Bird

For children (2006)


The Ones Vanishing in the Daylight

Essays (2009)



Novel in Russian


The Pain of Eternal Uncertainties

Poetry in Russian


Home of the Wonderful Song

Fairy tales for youths and adults in Swedish (2013)


Seahorse Dul-Dul

Fairy tales for youths and adults in Russian (2013)


The Emerald Shore

Short Stories in Ukrainian (2014)


The Tale of Aypi

Novel in Swedish


The Round House

Novel in Turkmen.



Novel in Turkmen (2002)




Stockholm, Sweden
[email protected]